The majority of people living in underserviced communities do not have access to a stable internet connection, do not have the money for the products or services, or lack the information on how to use them.
This is just one example of how the BOP (bottom of the pyramid) market is very different from the traditional market. Because underserviced communities are at the heart of everything we do at Talk360, we shifted from the traditional approaches to fit their market better.
Our localized approach entails our team of local agents in South Africa, who helps us educate our users on how to use the app, get airtime, and more. More importantly, we ask for their feedback in order to suit our product to their specific needs.
That’s how we continuously make sure that the Talk360 international calling app is reliable, easy to use, and affordable. For example, compared to western standards, the lowest amount of call credits you can buy is €5, whereas, in South Africa, the lowest amount is €0.30 cents. Only if we change our ways, we can reach the BOP and empower them with access to digital services.

Underserviced communities are also part of the world. So why not include them?
At Talk360, we give the underserviced a voice by creating an app that connects places like South Africa with the world through the phone, even if there is no internet connection on the receiver’s end.
Because of our app, we connected 2 million people in 190+ countries in 2021 and still counting more and more every day!
"We believe that everyone should be connected to the world." Co-founder Hans Osnabrugge”

Talk360 has a special focus on underserviced communities around the globe, which amount to 4 billion people around the globe. Our goal is to connect them to the rest of the world.“We strive to create a positive impact not just for our users, but for the community at large.” (Dean Hiine)
At Talk360, Africa has a special place in our DNA, not only because Dean Hiine, our Co-founder and Africa Managing Director, is South African. But also, because we believe that Africa is the place where we can create a positive impact. Reconnecting underserviced communities to the world means everyone in Africa would be part of something great! With Talk360, Africans now have the opportunity to connect to their loved ones no matter where they are in the world, overcoming hurdles such as connectivity issues and scattered wallets.

When businesses research their markets, most companies focus only on the top of the pyramid. But is that the only way to go about building a business?In the book “The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid”, which is a source of inspiration to Talk360, author C.K. Prahalad argues that there is a fortune at the bottom of the pyramid and illustrates why it is very important to invest in it.
What is the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP)?
“All the income in the world can be captured in the form of an economic pyramid. At the top of this pyramid, the people are wealthy and have numerous opportunities for generating a high level of income. At the bottom of this pyramid (the BOP) lives more than 4 billion people who live on less than $2 per day.” C.K. Prahalad.

In the figure above, most companies focus on tiers 1 and 2. However, focusing only on them leaves out 4 billion underserviced people unconnected to the world. This creates a gap that is only amplified with today’s rapid technological advancement. Talk360 was founded with the mission to create shared value for underserviced communities, by delivering a reliable, affordable, and easy-to-use digital service with a localized approach. That’s how Talk360 connects underserviced communities who lack necessary services, with the rest of the world.