Call East Timor

Call East Timor

Buy call credit to make affordable international calls to any mobile and landline number.
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Talk360 is the #1 international calling app for making affordable international or local calls to any phone without internet connection across the globe. With Talk360, you can call any landline or mobile device in East Timor. The benefit? Only the caller needs to have the calling app installed. The receiver of the call does not even notice that you are communicating via an app. Calling friends, family, clients, or business relations in East Timor with the Talk360 app is reliable & saves you a lot of money.

In this blog, we tell you about interesting tips on how to call East Timor with Talk360, the benefits of our app, how it differs to other international calling services, & in the end, we give you the fun facts about this great country.

Let’s get started!

How to Call East Timor with Talk360

Keeping in touch with loved ones who reside in another country leads to high calling rates & difficult to understand calling criteria. To solve this, Talk360 makes calling East Timor reliable & affordable. With Talk360, you can call East Timor at affordable per-minute prices.


To call a landline in East Timor from the United States, simply follow these easy to follow dialing tips:

  • first dial 011, the U.S. exit code;
  • next dial 670, the country code for East Timor;
  • then dial the area code (1-2 digits. See a sample calling code list below);
  • and finally, dial the phone number (5–7 digits).


If you’re dialing East Timor from any country in the world, you simply need to perform the following:

  • place the exit code: It’s also referred to as the IDD code (International Direct Dialing) or ISD code (International Subscriber Dialing). For most countries, it’s 00 or +. For the USA and Canada, it’s 011;
  • phone code: Each country is assigned a unique country code;
  • area code: This is the code for a part of East Timor. It’s generally a simple area or a city;
  • local number: The local number you would like to call.


Here is a list of the biggest area codes and village calling codes in East Timor.

Click to expand the list with area codes
Plus icon
RegionArea Code
Cova Lima22
Dili31, 32, 33

You know now how to dial East Timor. With Talk360, you simply have to buy airtime and enter the mobile number you want to call.

Fun facts about East Timor

  • East Timor (Timor-Leste) is an island nation in Southeast Asia bordering Indonesia.
  • The name of the country translates as “Eastern-East” as “timor” stems from the Indonesian and Malay word “timur” which means “east” and “leste” which is the Portuguese word for “east”.
  • East Timor occupies the eastern half of the island of Timor, some small offshore islands and the enclave of Ambeno in West Timor.
  • East Timor is located within the Coral Triangle, a marine area in the western Pacific Ocean home to an incredibly high number of corals (nearly 600 different species of reef-building corals alone). The region also sustains six of the world’s seven marine turtle species and more than 2,000 species of reef fish.
  • East Timor is home to the world’s most biodiverse waters. In 2016, scientists discovered 643 species in the waters around Atauro Island, many of which are believed to be entirely new.
  • Archaeological remains found in East Timor suggest the area has been inhabited for at least 42,000 years, making the site one of the region’s oldest sites of modern human activity.
  • Two East Timorese have won the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1996, the prize was awarded jointly to East Timorese activists José Ramos-Horta and Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo “for their work towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor.”
  • East Timor became the first new nation of the 21st century after it gained independence from Indonesia in 2002. As such, East Timor is also Asia’s newest country.
  • East Timor is one of 27 countries that doesn’t have a single UNESCO World Heritage Site. It also doesn’t have any properties on the Tentative List of sites intended to be submitted for nomination.
  • East Timor’s flag has a red background with a black triangle, a yellow triangle and a white five-pointed star. The black symbolises colonial repression, yellow the struggle for independence and red the suffering of the country’s people. The white star expresses hope for the future.
  • East Timor is one of only two predominantly Christian countries in Southeast Asia, the other one is the Philippines.
Talk360 in-app screens

What is Talk360?

Talk360 is an affordable and reliable international calling app that you can use to call any mobile and landline number in the world. Unlike free calling services, the receiver of the call does not need internet, or the app installed.

With Talk360 it is easy to start calling and affordable to keep calling! Who will you call?

The benefits of Talk360

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High call quality

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Affordable rates

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Receiver does not need internet

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Easy to use

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Free test call

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No subscription. No new SIM.

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Local payment methods

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Buy in your local

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14-day money guarantee

What are the Differences with Other Calling Services?

When looking at different calling apps, Talk360 functions in a very specific manner. It starts with its free test call. Get the international calling app & start to perform global calls. This way, you can get an opportunity to experience the amazing call quality of cross-border calls with the Talk360 calling app before you buy call credit.  

Another difference from most of the calling apps is that the receiver doesn’t need to have to be connected to the internet. An individual who receives a call doesn’t need to have Talk360 on their phone & they don’t need to be online. This is a unique difference compared to several other calling apps! Also, you can call landline & mobile phone numbers using the app’s affordable international dialing rates. Only the person who makes the call needs a Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G, or 5G connection.

In addition, Talk360 does not need a contract or a new SIM card for it to be effective. You use your phone number as a caller ID. It is not necessary to get a different SIM. In addition, Talk360 has sufficient training with clear documentation.

Now you know. Experience Talk360 right now. Your first 1-minute call is completely free! Also, if you share the app, you both can get free credit as soon as the person you invited makes the first credit purchase.

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Musa Abubakar Bilya
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The network is very clear
The network is very clear. And small units last very long. This is the best app I used to call my people back home, Africa, the best for international calls smoothly clear, no dolling!!!
Apple App Store review starApple App Store review starApple App Store review starApple App Store review starApple App Store review star
Absolutely a game changer
I just lost my dad and to have this opportunity to be able to speak to my mum every day is amazing. With my mum in England and so far away I feel a weight has lifted knowing she is just a phone call away. What's even better is that it's so reasonable.
Conscience Toperesu
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Excellent connection. Called my family in Zimbabwe and it felt like I was on a local call. I strongly recommend.

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